Monday, June 2, 2014

Flaxseeds Revisited - You think their boring? Think again!!!

Series on Cheap Food Items and Supplements That Give You the Healthiest Bang For Your Buck

All too often, when speaking to others about how juicing and eating a healthier diet helped me:

1.    Lose 35 pounds
2.    Cure my allergies
3.    Stop taking antidepressants

And helped my husband stop taking:
1.    Blood pressure medicine
2.    Cholesterol medicine
3.    Medicine for an enlarged prostrate

I hear, “Ya know, I hear what you’re saying, and I’d like to eat healthier food, but it’s just too damn expensive!

And I get it, it’s true, organically grown food is often more expensive than
conventionally grown food. However, there are A LOT of foods and supplements out there that can do a lot to help you get and stay healthy, AND THEY’RE CHEAP!

So, for the next while, Health on the Cheap is going to explore all the healthy ways available to you that don’t cost a million dollars.

And, we’re going to start with….. Flax Seeds.

And you say, “Ahhh, I thought you were going to tell us something new and interesting. Everyone knows Flax seeds are good for you.”

And I say, “well, why aren’t you eating a ton of them everyday?” And, did you know they can also help you lose weight?”

Let’s break it down.

Essential Fatty Acids are called just that, because they are essential to our health. For instance, our cell membranes are made of fat. In fact our brains are about 60% fat. So, if you don’t consume enough EFA’s (our bodies don’t make them) that a bunch of really bad stuff can happen including:

1.    All kinds of mental problems including bi-polar disorder, depression and mood swings, brain fog. (Remember the brain is 60% fat?)
2.    All sorts of inflammatory diseases including Rheumatoid Arthritis and Asthma
3.    Constipation
4.    Brittle Skin and nails
5.    Inability to lose weight

There are tons more symptoms of people who are clinically and sub-clinically low in EFA’s

Flax seeds are super high in Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Studies done with Flax seeds have shown them to help reduce:
1.    Cardiovascular disease
2.    Insulin resistance and metabolic Syndrome
3.    Decrease blood pressure
4.    Decrease central obesity (accumulation of fat around the waistline

Flaxseeds also help:
1.    The absorption of nutrients and passage of food through the intestines
2.    Reduction of colon cancer

“What about the part about Flaxseeds and weight loss?”

When you do not consume enough EFA’s in your daily diet, you put your body in a low-level stress response, which equals stress chemistry. This means that physiologically, your body’s ability to digest food, absorb and assimilate vitamins and nutrients, and build muscle is greatly reduced. Your muscles are one of your greatest calorie burning organs.  Not only does this lead to an unhealthy body, but also to a body that has a reduced capacity to burn fuel efficiently. Hence, a reduced ability to lose weight

Dark Brown or Golden?
Doesn’t make a difference, both are about equal nutritionally.

Flaxseeds can be eaten whole (mixed in salads) or ground up and incorporated into baked goods and smoothies. Since the oil can quickly become rancid, it’s best to buy the seeds, and grind them before using, (I use my coffee grinder.)

Store Flaxseeds in an airtight container, and keep in a cool, dark place or in the frig.

And they’re cheap!!! You can get them in bulk at Costco, Winco and Sprouts. Most grocery stories carry them as well.

How much should I eat?

Some people feel bloated and have gas when they first start eating flaxseeds. So, it’s best to start slow.  The daily recommendation is around 3 tablespoons daily.

So now, go forth, eat and enjoy all the wonderful health benefits of Flaxseeds!


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